Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – Malang City hosted the SINERGIS Program Workshop of the Indonesian Government and the World Bank. The activity, held by the Ministry of Finance at the RCE Heritage KPPN Building, Friday (6/12/2024), discussed the Strengthening Intergovernmental Transfers and Subnational Finance for Service Delivery in Indonesia (SINERGIS) Grant Program.
Responding to this, the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Malang City Erik Setyo Santoso in his speech said that Malang City was proud to be the host and at the same time be able to share experiences with 17 regional governments from various regions in Indonesia. Erik hopes that this forum can also be a place to exchange ideas regarding regional fiscal management, especially mandatory spending and the implementation of PUPR Physical Infrastructure DAK.
"With this SINERGIS, we hope to be able to play a role and also later our respective regions can accelerate so that public services can also be felt more quickly by the community. I am sure that each region, district/city has its own characteristics, potential, and problems so that we can exchange information, knowledge, and experience," he concluded.
Meanwhile, Secretary of the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance (DJPK) of the Ministry of Finance Ludiro explained that SINERGIS is a program that aims to support the Indonesian government in improving the equality, efficiency and accountability of the implementation of regional spending whose funding sources come from transfer funds.
This program is in line with various efforts to improve the scheme, instruments, and governance of the implementation of the Transfer to Regions (TKD) policy carried out by the government, so that TKD spending is more targeted, more effective and more optimal. This program is also expected to be able to increase equity, efficiency, and accountability of regional government spending financed by transfer funds.
"SINERGIS is a collaboration between the World Bank and the Government of Indonesia to reform the implementation of fiscal decentralization policies in Indonesia in accordance with Law Number 1 of 2022 concerning HKPD. The goal is for equal distribution and accountability of district/city spending financed by intergovernmental transfers," he explained.
Furthermore, Ludiro revealed that Malang City is worthy of being one of the examples because it has various innovations in public services as well as APBD governance. Ludiro hopes that Malang City will not only be a host, but can share knowledge and experience in compiling innovations in public services including APBD governance.
"Hopefully, other local governments can adopt it by adjusting it to the characteristics of their respective regions. Some innovations that the Malang City Government has made in managing transfers to regions and managing the APBD include synchronization between planning, preparation, budgeting, and implementation, so that what is planned can be optimized for realization," concluded Ludiro.
The SINERGIS program will strengthen the targeting and performance of the Physical Special Allocation Fund (DAK Fisik), with the aim of closing the infrastructure gap in the regions related to the quality of infrastructure that needs to be improved in the health, road, and clean water sectors. The forum also attended by various speakers from the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Public Works, and representatives from the World Bank. (ari/yn)