News Law, Politics, and Government

Initial Steps to Prepare Natural Resources Management Regulations, DPUPRPKP Holds FGD

Kedungkandang ( – The Public Works, Spatial Planning, Housing and Residential Areas Agency (DPUPRPKP) of Malang City held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Water Resources Management Regulations (SDA) at the DPUPRPKP Meeting Room, Jl. Bingkil 1 Malang City, Tuesday (10/12/2024). This FGD is part of the planning stage in the preparation of the draft regional regulation on SDA management.


Acting Mayor of Malang Iwan Kurniawan revealed that water management, especially surface water, must have a clear and firm legal umbrella. "Water is one of the basic needs and the potential of natural resources in Malang City is very large. One example is the existence of five large rivers that cross this city, such as the Amprong, Brantas, Bango and Metro Rivers," added Iwan.

On the other hand, in Malang City, the fulfillment of water needs has so far mostly used groundwater. According to data, until now there are around 133.128 wells to serve 625.036 people. "Of the number of wells, 43.134 wells or 32 percent meet the requirements and serve 202.504 people or equivalent to 67.277 house connections," explained Iwan.

Iwan reminded that excessive exploitation of groundwater will result in depletion of groundwater reserves, lowering of groundwater levels, land subsidence and land subsidence as well as seawater intrusion.

Iwan further revealed that Perumda Tugu Tirta's customer connections are 177.618 and the water requirement is 1.105.05 liters per second or 95.476.320 liters per day. For the Drinking Water Users Association (HIPPAM) there are 48, house connections are 14.216 with a water requirement of 341.184 liters per day.

For the availability of raw water as much as 1.427.241.600 liters per day, while the potential for water fulfillment for residents and based on hotel occupancy is assumed to have a water requirement of 141.350.748 liters per day. Meanwhile, for the availability of water as much as 390.441.600 liters per day. "This means that the water requirement in Malang City is still sufficient only by using surface water, namely from river water and springs, so it does not have to use groundwater," he concluded. (say/yon)

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