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Wrong Transfer or Online Fraud, OJK Provides Solution

Lowokwaru ( – Until early December 2024, the Malang Financial Services Authority (OJK) received 209 complaints related to online loans (pinjol) and illegal investments. The complaints received were resolved peacefully and some ended up in the legal realm.

Head of OJK Malang Biger Adzanna Maghribi

Head of OJK Malang, Biger Adzanna Maghribi, during the year-end release, Monday (16/12/2024) appealed to the public to be more careful and wise in responding even though financial institutions offering loans claim to be under the supervision of OJK.

However, Biger explained that citizens should also know that it is not only OJK that supervises financial institutions, but also Bank Indonesia. In this regard, the Task Force for the Eradication of Illegal Financial Activities (Satgas PASTI) from 2017 to November 2024 has stopped 11.389 illegal financial entities.

Regarding the many phenomena of online loan cases, he said that initially many people were lured by the easy requirements offered. "It is indeed sweet at the beginning when you are going to give a loan. But the rest, the collection, interest, fines and so on are extraordinarily high, which ultimately burdens and even makes it difficult. In the end, where do they go? Another loan to another with even higher interest. That's the problem," said Biger.

In response to this phenomenon, if there are people who become victims of fraud, Biger appealed to immediately report to the OJK complaint service via the WhatsApp messaging application at number 081-157-157-157 which is ready to serve customers non-stop 24/7.

Meanwhile, if people become victims of online fraud or accidentally send (transfer) money to an unknown party, the first step is to immediately report it via Indonesia Anti-OJK Scam Center (IASC) at the address, considering the potential time period for consumer funds to be saved is around the first 15 minutes. say/yn)

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