Kedungkandang ( – There are three special gifts at the 50th Anniversary of the Regional Public Company (Perumda) Tugu Tirta Drinking Water in Malang City, Wednesday (18/12/2024). First, appreciation from the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), then the direct presence of the Head of the East Java BPKP Representative to Malang City to hand over the GRC certificate, and third is the MoU between Perumda Tugu Tirta Malang City and the Aisyiyah Islamic Hospital (RSI) Malang.

President Director of Perumda Tugu Tirta Malang City, Priyo Sudibyo, revealed that the Indonesian Ministry of Health through its representative, namely the Director of Environmental Health, Tutut Indra Wahyuni, submitted a certificate of the results of the implemented RPAM Audit issued by the Ministry of Health in 2024.
"He (the Indonesian Ministry of Health) said that Perumda Tugu Tirta is the only PDAM with the best drinking water facilities in Indonesia based on the results of the 2024 Implementation RPAM audit," said Priyo.
The Ministry of Health assessed that Perumda Tugu Tirta during Priyo's leadership era has been actively conducting socialization on the use of piped drinking water to the community, thus having a positive impact in reducing the use of surface water or shallow well drilling. "We are also considered to have water quality that is truly ready to drink through ZAMP," continued Priyo.
Second, the most beautiful gift was also shown by the direct presence of the Head of the East Java BPKP Representative, Abdul Chair and the handover of the Governance Risk and Compliance (GRC) certificate at the 50th Anniversary Reception of Perumda Tugu Tirta. Not only that, now RSI Aisyah Malang has also officially signed an MoU with Perumda Tugu Tirta regarding the Provision of Drinking Water Services.
RSI Aisyah Malang in its MoU stated that it is ready to use the full water supply from Perumda Tugu Tirta and no longer use well water. This can be an example for all elements of society in Malang City. "This needs to be followed by other hospitals, even hotels, restaurants or other business actors in order to reduce the impact of land subsidence," he said.
Currently, his party is overseeing the proposed regional regulation (Perda) on well water restrictions. The Perda that is currently being drafted by the Malang City DPRD is expected to be approved and implemented soon.
The 50th Anniversary Reception Moment of Perumda Tugu Tirta was also marked by the launching of the android application 'Tugu Tirta Connect' as a means to further facilitate customers in accessing various Perumda Tugu Tirta services. (say/yn)