Ahead of Christmas 2024 and New Year 2025, the stock prices and availability of basic necessities in Malang City are monitored to be safe. This was seen when the Malang City Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) led by Acting Mayor of Malang Iwan Kurniawan accompanied the Indonesian Minister of Trade (Mendag) Budi Santoso on the sidelines of his visit to inspect the Madyopuro Market in Malang City, Thursday (19/12/2024). In addition to the Madyopuro Market, inspections were also carried out at the Blimbing Market, Perumda Tunas, the New Bulog Warehouse in Gadang, and PT Pertamina Fuel Terminal Malang. During this inspection, the Indonesian Minister of Trade had the opportunity to visit two locations, namely the Madyopuro Market and Perumda Tunas.