Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – The Malang City Government (Pemkot) held the Peak of the 2024 World Anti-Corruption Day (Hakordia) Commemoration in the front yard of Malang City Hall, Friday (20/12/2024). At the Hakordia moment which is commemorated every December 9, Acting Mayor of Malang Iwan Kurniawan emphasized strengthening the commitment and collaboration of all elements to eradicate corruption.
Iwan said that the commemoration of Harkodia with the theme 'Strengthen the Commitment to Eradicating Corruption for Advanced Indonesia' this time is a very important means to convey the anti-corruption message to all levels of society, or in other words, to build collective awareness to eradicate corruption."Corruption is not only detrimental from a financial perspective, but also from a moral and social perspective. Funds that should be used for infrastructure development, education, health, and other public services can simply disappear. And it also damages public trust in the government and public institutions," Iwan explained.
Combined with morning exercise with the community, the commemoration of Hakordia in Malang City also presents public service outlets from Dispussipda, Bapenda, Disnaker PMPTSP, Health Office, Perumda Tugu Tirta, Samsat Malang City, Dispenduk Malang City, and Malang Immigration Office. Various public services presented include population administration, free health checks, business licensing (NIB) management, mobile libraries, regional tax payments, annual motor vehicle tax payments, passport creation/replacement, and other services.
This moment, said Iwan, is also a medium to strengthen cooperation, synergy and collaboration in creating a corruption-free environment in Malang City in order to achieve the Golden Indonesia 2045.
"On this occasion, I would also like to convey some important messages for our attention. First, I ask all public officials in the Malang City Government to be orderly in submitting LHKPN correctly and in accordance with reality as a form of accountability," he said.
Second, in every implementation of the public administration process and budget management, Iwan advised to always uphold the principles of transparency and accountability. Third, to improve education about the dangers of corruption, starting from the school level and continuing in the community to instill the values of integrity. Fourth, provide space and empower the community to participate in monitoring and reporting criminal acts of corruption.
"Finally, enforce the law according to the applicable regulations fairly and equally for perpetrators of corruption to provide a deterrent effect and show that corruption will not be tolerated. With such efforts, I am sure we can encourage real action in fighting corruption and creating a clean and integrity-based environment," concluded the friendly man. (yul/yn)