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84 Participants Attend Integrated Marriage Confirmation and Child Origin Trial Services

Starfruit ( – The Malang City Government (Pemkot) in collaboration with the Malang City Religious Court and the Malang City DPRD held the 'Kota Malang Mantu' Integrated Marriage Confirmation and Child Origin Trial at the Malang Creative Center (MCC), Monday (30/12/2024).

84 participants consisting of 30 couples in the marriage confirmation hearing and 54 cases of child origins participated in this activity to obtain a legally recognized determination document from the Religious Court.

Assistant for General Administration of the Malang City Regional Secretariat, Sri Winarni, representing the Acting Mayor of Malang, said that this activity was a form of synergy and cross-sector collaboration to help the community obtain legal certainty, especially regarding marriage registration and determining the origin of children.

"With the isbat nikah, a married couple can obtain a marriage certificate which is the basis for their children to have a birth certificate. This is very important because a birth certificate is a basic document for accessing various public services, be it health, education or other public services," he explained.

Sri Winarni further stated that this activity is also an effort by the government to improve the quality of public services and strengthen legal protection and equal treatment before the law in the context of issuing marriage certificates, marriage books, and birth certificates for all residents of Malang City.

"The good synergy between the Religious Court, DPRD, Baznas, Kemenag and Dispendukcapil shows our commitment to providing more inclusive services and reaching all levels of society," said Sri Winarni.

On the same occasion, the Chairman of the Malang City DPRD, Amithya Ratnanggani Sirraduhita conveyed the importance of completing marriage administration. He said that having a marriage book is very important for managing population administration such as Family Cards (KK) and children's birth certificates.

Amithya also hopes that in the future all Malang City residents will have marriage documents in accordance with applicable regulations. "The Integrated Marriage Confirmation and Child Origin Trial Activity is one solution to resolve administrative problems. So how can we (the Council), the Malang City Government, the Religious Court, and the executive and legislative ranks be present in the community to find the best solution," concluded Amithya. (yul/yn)

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