Starfruit ( – Acting Mayor of Malang Iwan Kurniawan appreciated the Tax Awareness Festival (GSP) Phase II of 2024 initiated by the Malang City Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) at the Malang Creative Center (MCC) Building, Malang City, Sunday (29/12/2024) evening. He conveyed this when giving a speech at the event attended by the Forkopimda ranks, heads of regional apparatuses, sub-district heads and village heads throughout Malang City, and taxpayers.

On this occasion, Iwan also emphasized three important points related to optimizing and increasing regional taxes. The three points of concern are the importance of taxes for development, timely tax payments, and the importance of innovation in increasing regional tax revenues. That is what he thinks is an important factor in increasing regional original income (PAD).
"First, I would like to give my appreciation to Bapenda Malang City for organizing this event. Of course, this is an inseparable part of the Malang City Government's efforts to provide rewards and awards for taxpayers who have paid their taxes on time," explained the friendly smiling man.
He said that the public needs to know the importance of taxes in driving the wheels of development in Malang City. "This means that this tax has a large contribution to our PAD. This essence is what we need to continue to push, we need to socialize. Hopefully, with taxes, development can be carried out from and for the community," he explained further.
In addition, in relation to increasing revenue from the tax sector, Iwan said that it requires cooperation from all stakeholders, especially taxpayers. Therefore, Iwan hopes that the community as taxpayers can pay their taxes on time.
"To realize this, I invite everyone to synergize and have the same concern for development in Malang City, one of which is how we can pay this tax on time. I need to emphasize this, because taxpayers are partners and objects in supporting development," he said.
In addition to those two things, the number one person in the ranks of the Malang City Government also emphasized the importance of innovation in increasing and managing taxes. According to him, innovation is a must so that income from the tax sector reaches the set target. "Innovation also needs to be carried out continuously, how we do it to increase income from the tax sector. Not only the increase, but also from its management," he said.
"These two things are important for us to create trust from the community. Good tax management, realized through targeted and appropriate development, can also answer and resolve what are the development problems in Malang City," concluded Iwan. (ron/cah/yon)