Lowokwaru (malangkota.go.id) – Malang City started the Free Nutritious Meals (MBG) program at SDN Lowokwaru 3 Malang City, Monday (13/1/2025). 430 students seemed enthusiastic to enjoy the first menu of rice, crispy chicken, sauce, stir-fried long beans and tempeh, watermelon, and packaged milk.

Head of the Malang City Education and Culture Office (Disdikbud), Suwarjana, said that the implementation of the MBG program at SDN Lowokwaru 3 was fully supported by the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) program from Gojek.
"This program has been tested for the past three months and can only be officially implemented in Malang City, because it is not included in the initial target of the national program through the APBN," he added.
Suwarjana added, so far students have welcomed the MBG program and like the food menu served. Later, this program will be continued to other schools according to the existing budget.
On the same occasion, the Head of the Health Service (Dinkes) of Malang City, dr. Husnul Muarif, assessed that the food menu served was in accordance with the Isi Piringku guidelines, which include all nutritional elements needed by the body. He stated that the food menu served had met daily nutritional needs, especially for early childhood.
"The vegetable portion already has vegetables, then mixed with tempeh. That's today's menu, maybe tomorrow it can be different. The content has been required so that it cannot be missed, starting from protein, carbohydrates, minerals, and complements. For now, the MBG menu is good enough," concluded dr. Husnul. (say/yn).