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Rayan Rabbit Farm, Successful Rabbit Farming on Limited Land

Kedungkandang ( – In the last three years after the Covid-19 pandemic, Tricahya Wahyu Muslimin, a resident of RT 7 RW 2, Madyopuro Village, has developed his business of cultivating rabbits on his farm called Rayan Rabbit Farm.

Revelation showing one of the rabbits on his farm

Wahyu chose to raise rabbits because of their rapid development and ability to be raised in limited land. "One mother rabbit can give birth to eight to nine baby rabbits. It takes hard work and patience to succeed, and raising rabbits is profitable," Wahyu explained, Friday (17/1/2025).

From his experience so far, to be able to get a rabbit that can give birth to many offspring, Wahyu said that it is enough to see how many nipples the female rabbit has. The more nipples, the more offspring. "The female rabbits that I breed have an average of eight to nine nipples. Most of the rabbits that I breed have that many," he explained.

The rabbits that Wahyu cultivates are of two types, namely ornamental rabbits and meat rabbits. Market demand to his place so far has also been said to be very good, both from Malang City itself and from outside the region.

By utilizing technological developments, especially social media, Wahyu has found it easier to market the rabbits he cultivates. "For meat rabbits, demand is very high, both for satay and other processed products. We are very overwhelmed to be able to meet market demand," explained Wahyu.

From that fact, Wahyu has now also built a network with rabbit breeders from various regions in Malang Raya to be able to meet market demand. "One of the keys to raising healthy rabbits besides always providing nutritious food is to always maintain cleanliness," said Wahyu.

Likewise when feeding, rabbits should be given good feed as much as five percent of their weight. For example, if the rabbit weighs three kilograms, then the daily feed given is five percent. (cah/yn)

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