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Minister of Public Works Praises Management of Supit Urang Landfill

Breadfruit (malangkota.go.id) – Minister of Public Works (PU) of the Republic of Indonesia Dody Hanggodo appreciated the Supit Urang Final Processing Site (TPA) which is managed under the Malang City Environmental Service (DLH). This was captured when the Minister of PU reviewed the Supit Urang TPA accompanied by Acting (Pj.) Mayor of Malang Iwan Kurniawan and related staff, Saturday (18/1/2025).

Acting Mayor of Malang Iwan Kurniawan (second from right) explains the management of Supit Urang TPA to Minister of Public Works Dody Hanggodo (wearing a cap)

Minister Dody said that waste management at the Supit Urang TPA built by the PUPR Ministry in 2018 should be an example for other cities in Indonesia. With an area of ​​approximately 32 hectares, the arrangement of the Supit Urang TPA is considered very good and is adjusted to the activities carried out. In addition, this TPA does not only accept waste, but will also be developed as an Integrated Waste Processing Facility (TPST) which will process the waste into Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) products.

"So even though there is an increase in people in Malang City, this TPA can still function well. It was also explained earlier by Mr. Pj. (Iwan Kurniawan), it is also prepared for TPST whose final results will be used for cement and for PLTU which will start in 2026, God willing," explained Minister Dody.

He further revealed that the Ministry of Public Works had discussed with the Malang City Government regarding the needs that could be supported by the Ministry of Public Works, including plans to submit the results of discussions regarding the development of the Supit Urang TPA to the Minister of Environment in accordance with its domain.

On the same occasion, Acting Mayor of Malang Iwan Kurniawan said that the Malang City Government continues to strive to maximize the development of waste management in the Supit Urang TPA area. Currently, the Malang City Government is focusing on managing waste that enters the Supit Urang TPA so that it can be processed into products that have economic value.

"This is a form of concern from the Malang City Government, how 500 tons of waste that enters the TPA is no longer approached as a sanitary landfill, but is processed into a product whose output can be sold to increase the PAD of the Malang City Government," he said.

Sanitary landfill, Iwan explained, is a temporary solution so that waste does not pile up, does not cause odor and does not become a burden, both for the community and the local government. Therefore, the Malang City Government will continue to be committed to managing waste through the Reduce-Reuse-Recycle Waste Processing Site (TPS3R), waste banks, and collectors.

Iwan further said that his party will record the amount of waste produced in Malang City, including unmanaged waste, so that the waste problem can be resolved not only on a partial scale, but also on a city scale.

"Later we will collect data, and there are 1,3 tons of unmanaged waste that also need intervention, whether because people throw away waste in the wrong place or what? This is what we must also identify so that waste management through the LSDP (Local Service Delivery Improvement Project) program must be completed on a city scale, not a partial scale," he concluded. (iu/yn)

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