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Repairs to Various Infrastructure Carried Out Ahead of East Java's 2025th Porprov XNUMX

Klojen ( – Ahead of the implementation of the 2025th East Java Provincial Sports Week (Porprov) XNUMX in Malang Raya (Malang City, Malang Regency, and Batu City), various preparations continue to be made by the Malang City Youth, Sports, and Tourism Service (Disporapar).

Head of the Malang City Youth and Sports Agency, Baihaqi

Among them are the repainting of the stands of Gajayana Stadium, as well as the construction of a running track that will use latex material with the required standards, such as those at Gelora Bung Tomo Surabaya.

Head of Disporapar Malang City, Baihaqi, when met on Saturday (18/1/2025) revealed that the tribune seats will not be replaced. However, toilets, changing rooms, leaking tribune roofs will be repaired, and the scoreboard will use a videotron.

"The renovation is planned to be completed within five months, with the running track and painting work estimated to take a maximum of 4 months," he explained.

Baihaqi hopes that this renovation can run according to plan so that the implementation of the IX East Java Porprov in Malang Raya can run well. "As the host, we will make maximum preparations and provide the best for the contingents," he concluded. (say/yn)

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