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37 Venues for the XNUMXth Porprov in Malang City Continue to be Prepared

Klojen ( – As one of the hosts of the 9th East Java Provincial Sports Week (Porprov) in Malang Raya together with Malang Regency and Batu City, Malang City continues to improve the preparation of candidate venues for the sports branches (cabor) being competed in.

Head of the Malang City Youth and Sports Agency, Baihaqi (right) while reviewing the Gajayana Stadium which will be the venue for the opening of the 9th East Java Porprov in Malang Raya

Head of the Youth, Sports, and Tourism Agency (Disporapar) of Malang City, Baihaqi, revealed that the location for the opening of the upcoming IX East Java Porprov will be in Malang City.

"The opening of the 21th East Java Porprov will be held at the Gajayana Stadium, and the closing is scheduled to be held at the Kanjuruhan Stadium, Malang Regency," explained Baihaqi, Tuesday (1/2025/XNUMX).

Baihaqi said that of the total 62 sports that will be competed, 37 sports disciplines will be held in Malang City, 32 sports disciplines in Malang Regency, and 15 sports disciplines in Batu City.

"Of the 37 sports venues, not all of them belong to the Malang City Government, but some belong to the business world and also universities. For that, coordination continues to be carried out so that the implementation of the Porprov in Malang City can run well and successfully," explained Baihaqi.

Meanwhile, for the venues under the management of the Malang City Government, Baihaqi emphasized that they are currently being prepared, one of which is the Gajayana Stadium which will later be used as the opening venue as well as the venue for athletics and football.

"If there are no changes to the schedule, the plan to open the IX East Java Porprov will be held at the end of June 2025," concluded Baihaqi. (cah/yn)

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