budget (8)
Malang City Inspector
Jl. Gajah Mada No. 2A
(0341) 364450, 321276
Website  : https://inspektoratdaerah.malangkota.go.id/

" Organizational structure

" Legal basis

  1. Malang Mayor Regulation Number 61 of 2019 concerning the Position, Organizational Structure, Duties and Functions and Work Procedures of the Regional Inspectorate

» Vision

"The realization of professional and quality internal supervision apparatus and results to improve excellent public services."

» Mission

"Realizing improvements in the quality of the apparatus and the results of supervision to encourage public services and accountable governance."

" Main tasks

The Inspectorate has the task of providing guidance and supervision on the implementation of government affairs that are the authority of the Region and Assistance Tasks by Regional Apparatus.

" Function

  1. Formulation of technical policies in the field of supervision and facilitation of supervision;
  2. Implementation of internal supervision of performance and finance through audits, reviews, evaluations, monitoring and other supervisory activities;
  3. Implementation of supervision for specific purposes on assignment from the Mayor;
  4. Preparation of reports on the results of supervision;
  5. Implementation of Inspectorate administration;
  6. Empowerment and development of functional positions; and
  7. Implementation of other functions assigned by the Mayor in accordance with his duties and functions.
Head of Regional Development Planning Agency
Jl. Tugu No. 1
(0341) 366922

" Organizational structure 

" Legal basis


» Vision

Malang City with Dignity


» Mission

  1. Ensure access and quality of education, health and other basic services for all citizens.
  2. Realizing a productive and competitive city based on creative economy, sustainability and integration
  3. To create a harmonious and tolerant city based on diversity and support for vulnerable communities and gender.
  4. Ensuring public satisfaction with government services that are orderly, legal, professional and accountable

" Main tasks

The Malang City Regional Development Planning Agency has the task of carrying out supporting functions for Government Affairs in the field of planning which is the authority of the Region and supporting functions for Government Affairs in the field of research and development in the field of government based on statutory provisions.


" Function

The Malang City Regional Development Planning Agency has the following functions:

  • Policy formulation in the fields of planning, research and development;
  • Preparation of strategic planning and annual work plans;
  • Preparation of RPJPD, RPJMD, RKPD and their amendments
  • Preparation of Regional Development Planning based on e-planning;
  • Implementation of coordination, synergy, harmonization, control and evaluation of the formulation of regional development planning policies;
  • Coordination of the implementation of regional analysis and assessment;
  • Control and evaluation of the implementation of regional development planning;
  • Implementation and coordination of Musrenbang;
  • Implementation of research and development in the field of regional government;
  • Implementation of policy reviews within the scope of regional government affairs;
  • Facilitation and implementation of regional innovation;
  • Monitoring, evaluation and reporting on the implementation of research and development in the Region;
  • Implementation of coordination and synchronization of research and development implementation within the scope of regional government;
  • Control of program implementation in the fields of planning, research and development;
  • Management of regional assets under its control;
  • Empowerment and development of functional positions;
  • Implementation of evaluation and reporting in the areas of planning, research and development;
  • Implementation of other functions assigned by the Mayor in the field of planning, research and development;
Head of Regional Revenue Agency
Integrated Office Building B Floor 1 Jl. Mayjen Sungkono Malang
Tel. (0341) 751532
Website  : https://bapenda.malangkota.go.id/

" Organizational structure

" Legal basis

Mayor Regulation Number 70 of 2019 concerning the Position, Organizational Structure, Duties and Functions and Work Procedures of the Regional Revenue Agency

» Vision


» Mission

" Main tasks

The Regional Revenue Agency has the task of implementing Regional policies in the field of managing Regional Tax revenues and other assistance tasks based on the provisions of laws and regulations.


" Function

  • policy formulation in the field of regional original income management;
  • preparation of strategic planning and annual work plans;
  • implementation of technical support tasks in the field of Regional Tax revenue management;
  • implementation of Regional Tax collection;
  • coordination of PAD receipts;
  • monitoring, evaluation and reporting on the implementation of technical support tasks in the field of Regional Tax revenue management;
  • technical guidance for the implementation of supporting functions for the implementation of regional government affairs in the financial sector within the scope of managing regional tax revenues;
  • management of regional assets under its control;
  • empowerment and development of functional positions;
  • implementation of administration in the field of regional original income;
  • implementation of evaluation and reporting in the field of regional original income; and
  • implementation of other functions assigned by the mayor in the field of PAD management.
Head of Human Resources Development and Personnel Agency
Jl. Tugu 1 Malang
(0341) 328829
Website   : https://bkpsdm.malangkota.go.id/

" Organizational structure

" Legal basis

» Vision

Creating a Quality and Professional Government Apparatus in Supporting the Improvement of Public Services.

» Mission

  1. Realizing accountable and transparent Personnel Administration;
  2. Realizing the quality of human resources of civil servants by prioritizing IMTAQ which masters science and technology.

" Objective

  1. Realizing the quality of personnel administration;
  2. Realizing the professionalism of local government apparatus

» Target

  1. Achieving improvements in administrative services and infrastructure in the personnel sector;
  2. Achieving improvements in the quality and quantity of professional human resources to support
    implementation of the main tasks and functions of regional apparatus.

" Main tasks

The Regional Personnel Agency has the main task of implementing and implementing regional policies in the field of personnel.

" Function

  1. Formulation of technical policies in the field of personnel;
  2. Preparation and implementation of Strategic Plans and Work Plans in the field of personnel;
  3. Implementation of employee transfer administration;
  4. Implementation of employee discipline development;
  5. Implementation of employee education and training;
  6. Implementation of preparation for determining employee salaries and allowances;
  7. Preparation of employee formation and employee procurement;
  8. Preparation of personnel information systems;
  9. Preparation of employee welfare policy materials;
  10. Preparation of employee dismissal and retirement materials;
  11. Implementation of Minimum Service Standards (SPM);
  12. Preparation and implementation of Public Service Standards (SPP);
  13. Implementation of facilitation of Public Satisfaction Index (IKM) measurement and/or implementation of periodic customer opinion collection aimed at improving service quality;
  14. Management of public complaints in the field of personnel;
  15. Submission of development results data and other information related to public services periodically via the website
    Local government;
  16. General administration management includes program preparation, administration, secretarial, financial, personnel, household, equipment, public relations, library and archiving;
  17. Empowerment and development of functional positions;
  18. Evaluation and reporting of the implementation of main tasks and functions;
  19. Carrying out other tasks assigned by the Mayor in accordance with his duties and functions
Head of the National Unity and Political Agency
Jl. Gen. A. Yani 98 Malang
(0341) 491180
Website   :  http://bakesbangpol.malangkota.go.id

" Organizational structure

" Legal basis

» Vision

The realization of a democratic life in the field of IPOLEKSOSBUD in the framework of National Unity and Unity.

» Mission

  1. Maintaining and respecting the community of political life in society which is oriented towards the development of a modern society which is aspired to based on Pancasila;
  2. Maintaining and preserving the heterogeneity of society which is the potential for the nation's cultural wealth
    maintaining the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia which is oriented towards the development of a civil society as aspired to;
  3. Developing community creativity by encouraging a healthy political life that upholds human rights, is just, responsible and able to compete healthily and dynamically in accordance with applicable laws and regulations;
  4. Increasing disaster rescue and rehabilitation efforts.

" Main tasks

The Agency for National Unity, Politics and Community Protection has the main task of implementing and implementing specific regional policies in the field of National Unity, Domestic Politics and Community Protection.

" Function

  1. Formulation of technical policies in the field of National Unity, Domestic Politics and Community Protection;
  2. Preparation and implementation of the Strategic Plan and annual Work Plan in the field of National Unity, Domestic Politics and Community Protection;
  3. Implementation of activities in the field of National Unity and Domestic Politics;
  4. Guidance on the implementation of government in sub-districts, villages and communities in the fields of National Unity, Domestic Politics and Community Protection;
  5. Supervision of the implementation of government in sub-districts, villages and communities in the fields of National Unity, Domestic Politics and Community Protection;
  6. Providing research recommendations within the Malang City Government;
  7. Providing recommendations for certain activities that have the potential for SARA conflicts;
  8. Preparation of community protection policy materials;
  9. Implementation of community protection policies;
  10. General administration management which includes program preparation, administration, secretarial, secretarial,
    finance, personnel, household, equipment, public relations and library and archives;
  11. Implementation of Minimum Service Standards (SPM);
  12. Preparation and Implementation of Public Service Standards (SPP);
  13. Implementation of facilitation of Community Satisfaction Index (IKM) measurement and/or implementation of opinion collection
    customers periodically with the aim of improving the quality of service;
  14. Management of public complaints in the areas of national unity, domestic politics and public protection;
  15. Submission of development results data and other information related to public services periodically via the Regional Government website;
  16. Evaluation and reporting of the implementation of main tasks and functions;
  17. Carrying out other duties assigned by the Mayor in accordance with his duties and functions.
Head of Regional Finance and Asset Agency
Jl. Tugu 1 Malang
(0341) 326025
Website   : https://bkad.malangkota.go.id/

" Organizational structure

" Legal basis


" Main tasks


" Function

  1. planning programs and activities of the Regional Asset Use Permit Supervision and Control UPT based on the Strategic Plan, provisions of laws and regulations and available data sources as guidelines for implementing activities;
  2. provide instructions to Functional/Implementing/Subordinate Officials according to their field of work in the context of preparing materials for the preparation of planning and activities of the Regional Asset Use Permit Supervision and Control UPT;
  3. provide guidance to Functional/Executive/Subordinate Officials according to their field of work in the context of preparing materials for supervision and control of the implementation of permits for the use of regional assets;
  4. provide instructions to Functional/Executive/Subordinate Officials according to their field of work in order to facilitate the collection of levies for permits to use regional assets in the form of land and/or buildings that are not under the control of the Goods User;
  5. provide instructions to Functional/Implementing/Subordinate Officials according to their field of work in the context of collecting monitoring and evaluation materials for objects of retribution for permits to use regional assets in the form of land and/or buildings that are not under the control of the User of the Goods;
  6. provide instructions to Functional/Implementing/Subordinate Officials according to their field of work in order to facilitate the collection of materials for determining SKRD and SPRT;
  7. provide instructions to Functional/Implementing/Subordinate Officials according to their field of work in order to facilitate the distribution of SKRD and SPRT to Retribution Payers;
  8. provide instructions to Functional/Executive/Subordinate Officials according to their field of work in order to facilitate the collection of levies for permits to use regional assets in the form of land and/or buildings that are not under the control of the Goods User to the Retribution Obligor;
  9. provide instructions to Functional/Executive/Subordinate Officials according to their field of work in order to facilitate the acceptance of applications for reductions and postponement of payments for permits for the use of regional assets in the form of land and/or buildings that are not under the control of the User of the Goods;
  10. provide instructions to Functional/Executive/Subordinate Officials according to their field of work in order to facilitate the receipt of applications for excess payments and objections to the determination of the amount of levies imposed on permits for the use of regional assets in the form of land and/or buildings that are not under the control of the Goods User;
  11. provide instructions to Functional/Executive/Subordinate Officials according to their field of work in order to facilitate the implementation of monitoring in order to intensify the collection and billing of levies for permits to use regional assets in the form of land and/or buildings that are not under the control of the Goods User;
  12. provide instructions to Functional/Executive/Subordinate Officials according to their field of work in order to facilitate the collection of materials for resolving disputes regarding levies on permits for the use of regional assets in the form of land and/or buildings that are not under the control of the User of the Goods;
  13. provide guidance to Functional/Implementing/Subordinate Officials according to their field of work in the context of managing public complaints;
  14. distribute tasks to Functional Officials/Executives/Subordinates according to their field of work to ensure smooth implementation of tasks;
  15. guide Functional/Executive Officials/Subordinates according to their field of work in order to achieve their job performance;
  16. check the work results of Functional/Executive/Subordinate Officials according to their field of work as evaluation material;
  17. evaluate the implementation of the duties of Functional/Executive Officials/Subordinates according to the agreed performance targets in the context of performance assessment;
  18. submit suggestions and considerations to superiors as input for smooth implementation of tasks;
  19. report on the implementation of tasks to superiors according to their field of work as a basis for policy making; and
  20. carry out other official duties assigned by superiors in accordance with their job duties.
Head of Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD)
 Jl. Lake Ranau Raya 1A Sawojajar – Malang City
(0341) 3021657

" Organizational structure


" Legal basis


» Vision» Mission


" Main tasks


" Function

Head of Civil Service Police Unit
Jl. Simpang Mojopahit No. 1
(0341) 353939

" Organizational structure

" Legal basis

» Vision


»   Mission

  1. Preparation of programs and implementation of public order and security, enforcement of Regional Regulations, Mayoral Regulations and Mayoral Decrees;
  2. Implementation of policies for maintaining and administering public order and security;
  3. Implementation of enforcement of Regional Regulations, Mayoral Regulations and Mayoral Decrees;
  4. Supervision of the community to comply with and obey Regional Regulations, Mayoral Regulations and Mayoral Decrees;
  5. Implementation of coordination of maintenance and organization of public order and security as well as enforcement of Regional Regulations, Mayoral Regulations and Mayoral Decisions with the Indonesian National Police and Civil Servant Investigators and/or other apparatus;
  6. Implementation of investigations and prosecution of violations of Regional Regulations, Mayoral Regulations and Mayoral Decrees;
  7. Implementation of organizational capacity development includes personnel development, general administration, management, facilities and infrastructure for the Civil Service Police Unit;
  8. Preparation of reports and evaluation of task implementation.

» Main tasks

The Civil Service Police Unit has the main task of maintaining and organizing public order and security, enforcing Regional Regulations, Mayoral Regulations and Mayoral Decrees.

" Function

  1. Preparation and implementation of strategic plans and annual work plans in the field of social welfare;
  2. Preparation of materials for policy formulation in the field of social welfare;
  3. Implementation of the provision of community welfare assistance for abandoned children, the elderly, school dropouts and people with social problems;
  4. Implementation of preparation of materials for providing recommendations for licensing in the field of social welfare, collection of money, goods and other donations;
  5. Implementation of coaching in the fields of religion, youth and sports;
  6. Implementation of social rehabilitation, social assistance and social protection for people with social problems;
  7. Implementation of preparation for awarding honorary/service awards;
  8. Implementation of social services including social security and rehabilitation;
  9. Evaluation and reporting of the implementation of tasks and functions;
  10. Implementation of other duties assigned by the Regional Secretary in accordance with his/her field of duties and functions through the Development Administration Assistant.
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