Malang City, located at an altitude of between 440 - 667 meters above sea level, is one of the tourist destinations in East Java because of its natural potential and climate. Its location in the middle of Malang Regency is astronomically located at 112,06 ° - 112,07 ° East Longitude and 7,06 ° - 8,02 ° South Latitude, with the following boundaries:
- North: Singosari District and Karangploso District, Malang Regency
- East: Pakis District and Tumpang District, Malang Regency
- South: Tajinan District and Pakisaji District, Malang Regency
- West: Wagir District and Dau District, Malang Regency
And surrounded by mountains:
- Mount Arjuno in the North
- Mount Semeru to the East
- Mount Kawi and Panderman to the West
- Mount Kelud in the South
The climate conditions of Malang City during 2008 recorded an average air temperature ranging between 22,7°C – 25,1°C. While the maximum temperature reached 32,7°C and the minimum temperature 18,4°C. The average air humidity ranged from 79% – 86%. With a maximum humidity of 99% and a minimum reaching 40%. Like most other areas in Indonesia, Malang City follows the changes in the 2nd cycle of climate, the rainy season and the dry season. From the results of observations by the Karangploso Climatology Station, relatively high rainfall occurs in February, November, December. While in June and September, rainfall is relatively low. Maximum wind speed occurs in May, September, and July.
Land conditions in the Malang City area include:
- The southern part includes a fairly large plateau, suitable for industry.
- The northern part includes fertile highlands, suitable for agriculture.
- The eastern part is a plateau with less fertile conditions.
- The western part is a very large plateau which is an educational area.
There are 4 types of land in the Malang City area, including:
- Blackish gray alluvial with an area of 6,930,267 Ha.
- Mediterranean brown with an area of 1.225.160 Ha.
- The association of reddish brown-grey brown latosols covers an area of 1.942.160 Ha.
- Association of brown andosol and grey humus with an area of 1.765,160 Ha
The soil structure is generally relatively good, but what needs attention is the use of andosol soil types that have erosion-sensitive properties. This type of andosol soil is found in Lowokwaru District with a relative slope of around 15%.